

  • 更严谨的公民入籍试; 
  • 拥有家庭暴力和有组织罪行历史不能入籍;
  • 申请人要证明融入澳洲社会,例如受雇和孩子有上学;
  • 更严格的英语测试,包括读、写和听力; 新公民必须显示出良好的英语能力
  • 永久居民等候期由一年延至四年

此外,申请者需以永居身份在澳洲住满四年才可以申请入籍,比目前住满 12 个月多三年。谭保总理称,澳洲公民身份是一种「特权」。



Push for visa-free migration bloc in Australia, UK, Canada and New Zealand

AUSTRALIA is being called on to join a push for a new visa-free migration bloc with a new poll finding overwhelming public support to be able to live and work freely in “like-minded” nations.

The push to have a “free mobility labour zone” between Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Britain was started by London Mayor Boris Johnson but has now been picked up by several MPs and Lords in Westminster.

A poll in the four nations commissioned by the Royal Commonwealth Society in London and released today found 70 per cent of Australians, 82 per cent of New Zealanders and 75 per cent of Canadians supported the move.

Britain also backed the initiative although to a lesser degree — 58 per cent. The UK is currently in a migration crisis with EU membership ensuring all Europeans have free access to live and work in the UK and receive substantial benefits, all of which is to come to a head in June with a referendum on whether the UK remains in the EU.

Young adults (18-35 years) notably in Australia and New Zealand were the most supportive, 90 and 80 per cent respectively.

(link: http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/push-for-visafree-migration-bloc-in-australia-uk-canada-and-new-zealand/news-story/c854fd6012d1245512f76cf39955b0cf )