Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of the two Special Administrative Regions (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It used to be a British colony. Hong Kong is an important international financial, service and Shipping Centre in the world and is known for its comprehensive legal system of social integrity, good security, economic freedom, simple and perfect tax system. Hong Kong has been ranked as the world’s third largest financial centre on the Global Financial Centre index, ranking first in the world’s freest economic system for the 20th consecutive year as the index of economic freedom. Hong Kong is also one of the safest, most affluent, prosperous and longest-lived international metropolises in the world, with a reputation for oriental beads, gourmet paradise, shopping paradise, dynamic Capital and Oriental Manhattan, as well as a spectacular, vast and close country park. The Economist has named Hong Kong “the most liveable city in the world”.

Local Advantages

  • A sound legal system based on common law, transparent rules and regulations;
  • Strategic and primary channels for the implementation/absorption of investment and trade activities in the mainland of China;
  • The world’s freest economies, corporate and personal taxes are low;
  • World-class medical facilities and educational institutions.

The Hong Kong New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme

The Hong Kong New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (hereinafter referred to as “this program”) seeks to further enrich the talent pool and attract more new capital to Hong Kong. This will strengthen the development of our asset and wealth management business, financial services and related professional services. For applicants who only wish to make capital investments in Hong Kong obtain status.

  1. Foreign nationals over 18 years old, Chinese nationals who have obtained foreign permanent resident status, Macao residents, and Chinese residents in Taiwan;
  2. Have no adverse records and meet immigration requirements;
  3. Applicants need to invest a total amount of HKD 30 million. Among them, HKD 3 million must be invested in the ” Capital Investment Entrant Scheme Investment Portfolio” (which is established and managed by Hong Kong Investment Corporation Limited to support the innovation and technology industry and other key industries that contribute to the long-term development of Hong Kong’s economy), and the remaining 27 million Hong Kong dollars can be used for financial assets, including stocks of companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange traded in Hong Kong dollars or RMB, bonds, deposits, subordinated debt, qualified collective investments, and limited partnership funds. Within this investment of HK$27 million, you can also invest in non-residential real estate for commercial or industrial purposes in Hong Kong, including uncompleted properties but excluding land, or invest in residential real estate in Hong Kong (including pre-completion property and multipurpose real estate partly for residential purposes) in Hong Kong, the investment must be made in one single property with transaction price of HK$50 million or above. The total investment limit for investing in Hong Kong real estate to be counted towards meeting the minimum investment threshold is HK$10 million;
  4. Applicants need to have a personal net worth of no less than 30 million Hong Kong  dollars (or equivalent in Hong Kong dollars) continuously two years before submitting the application. (Throughout six months preceding the application with  effect from March 1, 2025).                                                                                      

Top Talent Pass Scheme

Persons who wish to apply to enter the HKSAR under the TTPS are not required to have secured an offer of employment in the HKSAR upon application. They may be granted 24 months’ stay on time limitation only without other conditions of stay provided that normal immigration requirements are met. Applicants may choose to apply for the TTPS under one of the categories as listed in paragraphs (a) to (c) below:

  1. persons with annual income reaching HK$2.5 million or above, or its equivalent in foreign currency, in the year immediately preceding the date of application (Category A);
  2. degree graduates of the  with at least three years of work experience over the past five years immediately preceding the date of application (Category B); or
  3. degree graduates of the  in the past five years immediately preceding the date of application  with less than three years of work experience, subject to an annual quota which is to be allotted on a first-come, first-served basis (Category C); however, Category C does not apply to those non-local students who have obtained the undergraduate qualification in a full-time and locally-accredited programme in the HKSAR.

Quality Migrant Admission Scheme

When submitting an application, the age must be 18 years of age or older. Applicants must demonstrate that they can afford to live and stay on their own and dependants (if any) while living in Hong Kong without relying on public assistance. The applicant shall not have any criminal record or bad entry record, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere. Applicants must have good writing and speaking skills in Chinese or English (spoken Chinese means Mandarin or Cantonese). Applicants must have a good degree and are generally required to have a university degree awarded by an accredited university or higher education institution. In exceptional circumstances, good technical qualifications, proven professional competence and/or experience and achievements that can be attached to supporting documents may also be taken into account.

General Employment Policy – Professionals

When submitting an application, there is no security reason to refuse the application and the applicant does not have any known serious criminal record; The applicant has a good educational background, usually a bachelor’s degree in the relevant field, but in exceptional circumstances, has good technical qualifications, proven professional competence and/or relevant experience and achievements with proof of documentation, It may also be accepted; there is indeed a vacancy; the applicant must have indeed been employed and the work performed is related to his or her academic qualifications or work experience and cannot easily be found by a local; and the remuneration and benefits (including income, housing, medical and other fringe benefits) must be substantially the same as those of the market remuneration of Hong Kong professionals at that time.

Investment as Entrepreneurs

The applicant is in a position to make substantial contribution to the economy of the HKSAR, with consideration factors including, but not limited to, business plan, business turnover, financial resources, investment sum, number of jobs created locally and introduction of new technology or skills.

Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals

The objective of the Scheme is to attract qualified Mainland talents and professionals to work in the HKSAR in order to meet local manpower needs and enhance the HKSAR’s competitiveness in the globalised market. The Mainland talents and professionals must possess special skills and knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available or in shortage locally. Admitted talents and professionals must be able to contribute to the operation of the firms and sectors concerned with a view to facilitating economic development in the HKSAR.

Permanent Resident

A non-Chinese person who enters Hong Kong with a valid travel document before or after the establishment of the HKSAR and is ordinarily resident in Hong Kong for seven consecutive years and with Hong Kong as its permanent place of residence.

Ordinarily resident for a period of seven consecutive years must be seven consecutive years immediately prior to the date on which the person applies to the Director of Immigration for permanent resident status in the HKSAR.