Taiwan launches visa waiver for 11 Latin American and Caribbean allies

Taiwan launches visa waiver for 11 Latin American and Caribbean allies

Announcement came during visit by president of Paraguay

By Matthew Strong,Taiwan News, Staff Writer

2017/07/12 15:48

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Beginning Wednesday, citizens from 11 official diplomatic allies in Latin America and the Caribbean will no longer need visas for a stay in Taiwan of up to 30 or 90 days, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) announced.

Earlier in the day, as President Horacio Cartes of Paraguay was visiting the island, MOFA already announced the measure benefiting nationals from the South American ally, but later expanded the offer to ten other allies. The same countries had already given the same privilege to Taiwanese visitors, reports said.

A maximum visa-free stay of up to 30 days in Taiwan became possible for citizens of Guatemala, Belize, the Dominican Republic, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.

The 90-day stays without visa will be possible for nationals of Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Haiti as well as Paraguay, MOFA said.

In order to qualify for the visa waiver, the visitors needed to show a passport that was valid for at least six months, and a ticket and valid visa for their next destination after Taiwan. Customs also had the right to check whether the visitor had a problematic background, reports said.

Taiwan’s e-visa system which started on January 12, 2016 already included all the countries mentioned by MOFA Wednesday.

The ministry was hoping the new measures would boost tourism, trade and cultural links with the allies. Last month, Panama switched recognition to China, leaving Taiwan with only 20 official diplomatic allies and instilling fear of a domino effect.

Link : http://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3208915

旅外人士盛讚 台灣生活品質全球最佳

旅外人士盛讚 台灣生活品質全球最佳

網站InterNations公佈排行 台灣未在任一主要評分項目中拿到第一 但整體成績勝過他國  華盛頓31日綜合外電報導  全球最大旅外人士網站InterNations公布2016年生活品質指數排行榜,台灣在上榜的67個國家中拔得頭籌,獲選為生活品質最佳僑居國家,主要原因是醫療品質好而且價格低廉。  InterNations訪問了1萬4300位旅外人士,詢問他們對所居住過的191個國家的觀感,請他們就僑居生活的43個不同面向評分,然後依此列出所謂「生活品質指數」,以總平均分數列出排名,結果台灣脫穎而出,在生活品質最優國家排行榜上勇奪第一。  根據排行榜,第二至10名依序是奧地利、日本、西班牙、哥斯大黎加、馬爾他、捷克共和國、新加坡、德國和瑞士。其中新加坡曾名列第一,但近年生活支出上揚,因此排名滑落至第八。  台灣雖然未在任何主要項目中拿到第一名,但在所有項目中表現都不錯,因此整體成績勝過他國。調查報告中說,受訪者中有令人吃驚的多達99%對在台灣的個人安全持肯定看法,也有89%表示很喜歡台灣的平靜。  台灣在醫療與福祉項目表現最佳,排名所有國家第二,僅次於奧地利。台灣更在這個項目下的醫療品質與價格低廉方面排名第一。  調查也顯示,沒有受訪者認為台灣的氣候和天氣很糟,而且有多達3/4持肯定態度。此外,台灣的外僑有多達91%對運輸設施在整體上感到滿意,遠超過全球平均水準的63%。

Link: http://www.ksnews.com.tw/index.php/news/contents_page/0000949663

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